Kemet Corp – KEM

Kemet Corp  – KEM


I had been watching this seriously when it was ranked #14 on publication ofIBD Weekly IBD 50  Vol 35 N.O. 18  Week of August 6, 2018. This has been featured before, but I work with a small account and was fully positioned at that time . Risk Management  rules restrained me at that time

I had sold one position and had cash available to roll into another one. I checked on this one last night and saw that it had sold off…

Then I looked at it’s volume. It was about 1/3 of what it normally trades at.  That is a huge signal for reading the tape or Accumulation/Distribution

I  got filled at:  $25.50
-5% stop:          $24.22
+20% Target:   $30.60

IBD Rankings today
Composite Rating: 98
EPS Rating: 99
RS Rating: 93
Group RS Rating: A+
SMR Rating: A
Acc/Dis Rating: C-
ROE: 33.2.2%
Debt: 66%
Outstanding Shares: 57.4m
EPS Due Date: 11/02/18

Dr Alexander has a triple screen for viewing charts and Trading for a Living is why I use the following charts+

KEM 5 Year Monthly from Bigcharts 2018-08-31
KEM 5 Year Monthly from Bigcharts 2018-08-31
KEM 1 Year Daily from Bigcharts 2018-08-31
KEM 1 Year Daily from Bigcharts 2018-08-31
KEM 3 Month Daily from Bigcharts 2018-08-31
KEM 3 Month Daily from Bigcharts 2018-08-31
KEM 3 Month Daily from Stockchatrts 2018-08-31
KEM 3 Month Daily from Stockchatrts 2018-08-31


I sold this one at a loss and I got filled at $23.93. This had a bad day yesterday on average volume and was close to my stop. I held the position, because it didn’t hit the -5% loss limit. I wasn’t overly concerned, because with the average volume people were no running for exit. I watched this one close and it was a down day at the start of the day. I had expected it to bounce and at lunch I checked… It didn’t recover and I closed the position

Opened position at:  $25.50
Closed position at:    $24.22
$-157 or -6.2%

This is the current chart from

KEM 3 Month Daily from Stockchatrts 2018-09-05
KEM 3 Month Daily from Stockchatrts 2018-09-05